The sale of our home was moving right on schedule. We had the Home Inspection on January the 31st. The house was in great shape being that it's only five years old. I rented a storage space for those items we either didn't sell or give away. I'd be embarrassed to tell you of how much stuff we kept that has no real monetary value. Something's you just can't bring yourself to give up. So we hung onto those items that were priceless to each of us. I gathered up some boxes and suggested to Kathie she pack her stuff. Later I found her down in a wardrobe box, looking up with a mischievous smile.
I didn't know if I should put on an address label and ship her or put her into storage. I'm pretty sure she's excited about the move and the endless road that lies ahead. When I asked her what she was doing. Her reply was, "I'm trying to visualize living in a smaller space." Going from 2900 square feet to 400 does have it's challenges :)
In the mist of trying to pack up I needed to take a trip to Tn. The Dodge Dully had a recall that needed immediate attention. That was scheduled for February the 3th. It was a recall for a steering component, one that I wasn't comfortable with putting off. My trip up and back to Ga. was very quick. I needed to visit with my Mom while there and get back home to continue packing. It seems that all of a sudden I was in a rush to get it all done. To further complicate matters, the buyer mentioned they may want to close early and take procession of the home.
Moving can be an experience, most people want to do it only once in their lifetime. I'd hate to tell you the number of times I have done it. While serving in the Military I moved about every three years. In those days it was part of the life and something I actually looked forward to. It was a new country or state and new surroundings and a new beginning. Now at the age of remembrance, I'm more settled and look at a move as less adventurous. Perhaps I also feel it's taking away my sense of security. I know that the older we get the more we desire to remain planted where we are. Still that adventurous soul of mine is ready for a change. So here we are, packing up and starting over. The red neck in me wanted a house that had wheels, one I could move when the front yard got full of old cars and other items of junk.
The buyer is pushing for an early closing date. I wasn't sure as to how much time I had so packing just got a lot faster and more serious. We needed to get everything ready at a moments notice. So here we are living out of a suitcase or better yet the Vaca House, parked in the driveway. Closing early is good news to me. When asked if we could close early, I told them I was ready to leave the day I got to Ga. The inner me was screaming, "show me the money." I'm sure I was more excited to be selling, than the buyer was to be buying. I also considered myself very lucky, selling in such a depressed market. I'm waiting with great anticipation.
Kathie took several days off work to help me pack. The storage unit was filling up fast. We gave away or sold a lot of our stuff. We also took a trailer load off to the local Goodwill. The storage shed was cleaned out, as well as the garage. The two down stairs units were also clear of our belongings. About all we had left was the kitchen and putting clothes in the Vaca House. We are ready for that early closing date should it happen.

Just as we were making great strides. A winter storm was once again headed our way. Predictions were for heavy ice and snow. That would bring everything to a halt. We had everything packed with the exception of a few clothing items and things we were still using. We replaced the kitchen item of the house with those from the Vaca House. That was an easy switch and would work out great. The storage area was full of boxes. I kept asking myself where it all came from? I'm sure anyone who has moved at least once knows that feeling. As we get older we seem to cling to more stuff.
We have been planning for this phase of life, now that's it's here we aren't ready! I guess you can't always predict your emotions and feelings of confusion. I keep asking myself if I'm doing the right thing? I set plans into motion two years ago. I planned out all the details and thought I had it all figured out. Now that it's a reality I feel lost and unsure of my next move. Friends and family ask where we are headed first. I have no idea, haha. All I can say is roads lead somewhere and you will find people already there. All I know for sure is the Vaca House will be towed out of this driveway on March the 3rd, if not sooner. Maybe at that time it will sink in, a direction and decision will be made. I'm leaning toward spending the entire summer in Alaska. I'd like to head in that direction by mid April, taking a couple of weeks to reach the Canadian border. I think May would be a good time to start up the Alaskan Highway (AlCan). Spending May, June, July and August in Alaska and starting the trip back by September. The trip up would be up thru Minnesota into Canada and the return trip would be back by way of Washington state and down the west coast to Florida. About the only thing I know for sure is winters will be spent in Florida or somewhere along the southern coast line. I'm throwing out all my heavy winter items of clothing :) If I do find myself needing, there is always Goodwill.
The local Lowe's store may have to close. I have spent a couple hundred thousand in that store during the last ten years. I have several shoe boxes of receipts. Plants and building materials as well as every other items they sell. What will I do with my time? I will have to find a hobby for sure. Hopefully something that doesn't collect or need lots of stuff to support it. I wonder, can napping and dreams be considered a hobby :) Maybe I'll finally get back to completing my book of stories. Perhaps a new book all about my travels and those places I end up, sharing it all with you! I'm sure that my life will be busy even if I choose to do nothing. Retirement is the hardest job I have ever had. I just don't have the time to do the things I need to do. But why worry about that, there is always tomorrow :)
I went to the Post Office today to fill out a change of address. The clerk wasn't amused about the new address. She couldn't understand that comment about, "My street address is wherever I'm parked." Those Postal workers have no sense of humor. Fearing the postal rage I've heard about, I gave a regular street address. One they can find with their GPS. (Government Postal Service) Until March the 3rd I will be at Leafview Dr. After that you can reach me If that doesn't work it's because I'm in the wilderness somewhere. Sooner or later I will come in for mail call. My next post will be from the road. Until then, I await the final day here in GA.
Life is all about the rainbows, follow your dreams. You Yonah regret it :)