The Gnome has no home and will be roaming around for awhile. Be sure to keep up with his travels. It's a new beginning and the endless roads that wind and stretch forever will be the destination. It will take some time to set a course. The reality of the moment and the tasks at hand are overwhelming.

I feel like a child leaving home for the first time. With no home to come back too. The big wide world that awaits is a lonely place for those who have no direction or set course to follow. I am excited and apprehensive at the same time. My mood is somber at best. I have thoughts of "Crap what did I just do," or something like that! Now that it's the time we have waited for, it's also a time of doubt. Are we doing the right thing? Nomadic will be our future history, wandering from place to place. I did plan for it in a way, by having business cards printed up several weeks ago. Notice what I put for our street address.

Since we will be traveling far and wide I'm also reconsidering our mode of travel. The Fiver is a great vacation house for sure. It affords us plenty of room and is more than ample for our simple needs. The draw back is it's not travel friendly. With four slides, all in travel mode it's impossible to have access to the bedroom and bathroom. That presents us with several inconveniences at times. Set up requires a bit more work as well. I'm thinking I need a Holiday....... Holiday Rambler that is.
I'm looking and leaning toward this 2009 model year. It's 42 feet long with a tag axle and a big 425 Cummins HP Diesel. The model is a 42PDQ, I think that PDQ means pretty dam quick with that big 425 pushing it. That much power will get us across the mountains and into Alaska in record time. The Lanes will be on Holiday for sure. Or is it the Lanes will be in a Holiday. In it or on it and all around it, as we travel from here to there and back again.
I have yet to convince myself that I want to make that large of an investment. Explains why the pictures show it as going and then coming instead of vise-a-versa, haha. I will make a decision for sure one way or the other during the next several days. We may just decide to trade our Vaca House for one that meets our travel demands. We have several options open to us. Until them, I have much to keep me busy.
The winter storm that has all the south in it's grip has slowed everything. School children stuck for the night in their schools. School buses can't get on the roads. There were school buses that made it to the roads loaded with children, those buses were stuck in the traffic all night with their precious cargo on board. Semi trucks and cars alike have the highways and roads at a stand still. Nothing is moving. A trip of twenty minutes has turned into seven plus hours. Cars and trucks are being abandoned and drivers walking home or to local motels. The roads are a solid sheet of ice. Motels are full and have no vacancies. If ever I needed a reason to move to a warmer climate, I have no idea where that would be. It's twenty eight degrees in Mobile Al with snow and ice, and snowing in Savannah Ga. Spring can't come fast enough. I'll just snuggle up on the couch and dream by the fire. More time to ponder and think about where I go from here :)
I'll get back to you in a couple of days.
***** Click on any picture to enlarge for a better view *****
ReplyDeleteYou're right Larry. I never buy anything without a lot of research. I have looked at a lot of units and have a pretty good idea as to the real value. I'd never pay asking price. I've looked at the same model and year FSBO. I'd come in a LOT less than what they are asking.
DeleteYou will have a blast once you actually start rolling. That last little bit of letting go is always the hardest. GORGEOUS down here in sunny Yuma arizona. LOTS of free places to park and some NICE RV parks if you do not want to boonedock
ReplyDeleteHey Feather, where are you and the poot these days? Kathie and I are excited to be free of the sticks and bricks. We are looking forward to the Nomadic life style.