The scenery was spectacular and breathtaking. We enjoyed all types of conditions and views along the way. The weather was a combination of lows down to the 30's at night and high's of 50's & 60's during the day. Before our trip was over we'd be in a winter wonderland of ice and snow. Our camper for this trip was our 20' Motorcycle Trailer. We loaded up our 2008 Street Glide and headed to the high timber. Our trip of two weeks was one we'd not forget. Starting at Cherokee NC and the foot of the Great Smokey Mountains We made our way to higher elevations on the crocked roads, via the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Sky Line Drive.
Our plan was to haul our motorcycle to the campsites. Once we were there, taking the bike out of the trailer and using it for our camper. We had loaded our generator and a small microwave for cooking. Our queen size pedestal air mattress was a great fit. We'd stay at the campsite several days and use the bike for our mode of transportation. We'd explore and enjoy the freedom of the open air ride all along the Parkway. The Fall Foliage was a rainbow of colors. The weather was great until we hit the 105 miles of the Sky Line Drive, from Waynesboro VA. to Front Royal VA. It rained all the way there and back. Staying for two days in a steady down pour, we elected to start back. We didn't see much of that part of VA. What we could see thru the clouds, fog and rain was beautiful. We plan to make that trip again soon. Hopefully it won't be so rainy the next trip.
One of our camping adventures was at the Peaks of Otter. Most of the State Parks on the Parkway have limited facility's. Restrooms with cold running water, no showers. The individual campsites are limited as well. No electric or water. We took our bike off the trailer and set it up for sleeping, eating and shelter from the cold. The temperatures were cold at night and semi warm during the day. Rules of the campground was no generators between the hours of 8 PM & 8 AM. That meant that after 8 PM we lost our heat. The campfire then became more than just a glow in the nights darkness. Going to bed required flannels and wool. We looked like fleece blimps as we snuggled in for the long nights sleep. As soon as Mickey struck 8 AM I was up, cranked the generator made coffee and turned on the heat. By the time Kathie emerged from her cocoon, the interior of our temporary home was warm.
Our rides during these cool days required dressing in our leathers and fleece. Face shields or face mask were a plus as well. We were on the road by mid morning. Waiting for tempts to rise a little and the frost to melt. There was plenty to see and do along our route. What we missed on the way north we caught on our way back south. The cold was of little bother to us as we enjoyed these days of ramblings and carefree adventures. Top speed on the Parkway is 45 mph, mostly 35 mph. We weren't bothered that much by the colder tempts as our speed and air moving past us wasn't that fast.
As we continued our track south the weather improved slightly. The bitter cold of the nights gave up some of it's bite. Next stop for us was Rocky Knob. It was a beautiful and large campground. We elected to park close to the facility so our trips during the night and early morning hours would be closer. As you get older you appreciate those shorter trips of necessity. I know I do as my bladder seems to be more active these later years, haha. The days were also more pleasant with higher tempts and more and longer hours of sunshine. When you ride a motorcycle, you really do enjoy those short rest stops in the warm sunlight.
The campground would be closing for the season by the end of the month. There weren't that many campers and it was nice to have the place mostly to ourselves and the handful of folks that were there. The camp host decorated their yard with Halloween props and displays. It was nice to see that they got into the spirit and shared it with us travelers. It's the little things that make the big differences in life. The park was clean and well maintained. These host come back year after year. This was their seventh year as volunteer hosts at this site. They had no plans to stop anytime soon.
Our last day at Rocky Knob was very pleasant. A cold front coming from the south, moving north pushing the warm air ahead of it. The temperature soared to the low 70's. Kathie and I were enjoying this warmer air and milder climate. It was time to take off some of the heavy leathers and enjoy the warmth of the lazy fall day. We loaded up and rode to Toggle's Gap for lunch. This was to be our last day of nice weather. Tomorrow the cold front would have us in the grip of winter, the bitter winds and unstable conditions. It would be a winter's artic blast.
The beautiful tree's all adorned in their dress of yellow, crimson, orange, multi reds, greens and gold's would turn to frost covered lifeless twigs by tomorrows end. In a way it was sad to see the changes take place so fast, we had enjoyed a mixed bag of weather and temperatures. We had enjoyed our time together spent in nature surrounded by the natural beauty of God's great creations. We would enjoy our last campfire and pack it all up and head home with the rise of tomorrows sun. Leaving behind what we had found and yet taking it with us thru our memories and pictures.
Packing away our camping gear, loading our bike on the trailer. We were ready to head south and the end of the Parkway. We would take two days and continue to enjoy all that we could on our return trip. As we pulled out of the campground and onto the Parkway it started to rain. The rain would be with us all day. Our mood wasn't dampened with the weather as we had enjoyed a great time and got to witness first hand all the natural beauty of this American Treasure. The Blue Ridge Parkway, a place every one needs to witness during their life time. The scenery is a constant change. Each curve of the roadway offers a new and refreshing view.
We made our way back to Little Switzerland. This would be our lodging for the night. After spending several days in the campground we were eager to get a hot shower and sleep in a room with heat. The TV and Fox News was good as well. Kathie says I live to watch Fox News, haha. I went out to the trailer for some beer and to check on our Motorcycle (MYRA). I give everything a name. It's just easier to refer to it as a person, haha.
After a tasty meal at the Lodge Restaurant, we retired to our room for the night. It was still raining and I felt sorry for the Bikers who were there waiting out the heavy rain. It would continue to rain all night and still coming down the next morning. The bikers who were waiting had left for parts unknown to us. I can only imagine they went north as south was where the ice and snow was. After breakfast we walked around the yard, took a few pictures once the rain let up and then departed towards Cherokee and the Great Smokey Mountains.
A few miles south we could see the snow covered peaks of MT. Mitchel. From this point south it would only get worse. We pasted Ashville NC and continued to make our way toward home. The snow and ice was starting to fill the landscape and it was a total change from the day before. We were in a total white forest. The ice coating the tree branches looked artificial with the red berries caught up in the freeze. Nature must have been confused as there was still Fall Foliage, peaking thru everywhere. We were dressed in our heavy winter clothing and wearing gloves and coats. The roads were clear where we were but word was not much farther. Just before Sylvia NC the Parkway was closed and we were put off in a strange place unknown to us. For an hour or more we traveled in a circle until we figured out where we were.
Home and the end of our trip was within three hours of where we were. We decided to head for home. We had been gone for two weeks and had traveled lots of miles. We never tired of what we saw and were eager to see what was at every turn. The weather was great for that time of year. We were well satisfied and pleased. It would be a trip we'd not forget. We are looking for that next trip and revisiting all those places we discovered along the way. Each mile was an adventure and every view different. I will leave you with, this simple question. "Why go Dutch"?