We became officially Nomads on the 27th of February, closing the sale of our Georgia home. We moved bags and baggage into our Vaca House. Taking with us only those items essential for our comfort on the roads to everywhere.
We tried to keep the weight of our items limited to only what we'd need and not what we'd always want. When your home is mobile and always on the move, weight of your life's baggage becomes an issue as for the total weight. We didn't want to overload our wagon like the pioneers of old and have to toss out the piano and fine china in order to get over the mountains or across the deserts. Which was funny on our first attempt. After loading our contents into the Vaca House I hooked up our Dodge Dully. The weight was very noticeable with the rear springs flat and the nose of the truck pointed upward. When sitting in the drivers seat I couldn't see over the rams head hood ornament. I quickly said to Kathie: "Honey we need to shrink our needs!" So we went back to the task of unloading and reevaluating the need of each chosen item. We ended up loading more of our things into storage. With our Vaca House loaded for the second time we said goodbye to our former home. Leaving the new owners a welcome gift, we locked the doors for the last time and left the driveway.

Our first temporary stay was at the Yonah Campground, between Helen and Cleveland.We tried to keep the weight of our items limited to only what we'd need and not what we'd always want. When your home is mobile and always on the move, weight of your life's baggage becomes an issue as for the total weight. We didn't want to overload our wagon like the pioneers of old and have to toss out the piano and fine china in order to get over the mountains or across the deserts. Which was funny on our first attempt. After loading our contents into the Vaca House I hooked up our Dodge Dully. The weight was very noticeable with the rear springs flat and the nose of the truck pointed upward. When sitting in the drivers seat I couldn't see over the rams head hood ornament. I quickly said to Kathie: "Honey we need to shrink our needs!" So we went back to the task of unloading and reevaluating the need of each chosen item. We ended up loading more of our things into storage. With our Vaca House loaded for the second time we said goodbye to our former home. Leaving the new owners a welcome gift, we locked the doors for the last time and left the driveway.
I wouldn't recommend that as a great place to stay. The rate was outrageous for the amenities offered, or should I say the lack of. It could have been worse as the summer seasonal rates are higher and still your getting nothing. We were paying $37.50 a day for water, sewer and electric (30 amps), plus an additional $3.00 a day for 50 amps of power. That was after our Good Sams discount. No cable or wifi. The sites are small and very overgrown. We were in the back of the park, lot 72. Once our slides were out we had to squeeze between the slide wall and a tree in order to get around the unit.
Our intended stay was to be only four days. As it so often happens, things change and we were stuck there for almost two weeks. Kathie has been sick the last couple of weeks. Just when we thought she was getting better I too was bitten by the bug. With both of us sick and under the weather we stayed where we were and waited for the crud that possessed us to leave. Several days we were in bed and unable to venture out. The weather had changed once again, turning cold. It was a miserable time for us. Going to the doctor resulted in a medical exam and advise to wait it out. We had a viral infection and not bacterial infection. We weren't alone in our misery but that was of little comfort to us. The doctor said it would last for about four weeks and we should start to improve. We decided to lay low, staying put until our health changed and we were feeling better. We drink lots of water and juice, watched a lot of movies and took lots of over the counter medicines. The best of which was Alka-Seltzer severe cold, day and night. It was like a lemon tea and when heated taste much better than drinking it cold. After a couple of days I was feeling much better, then a relapse. As the doctor had said, it took time.
Finally after 13 days we felt we could make the move. Cutting our stay short by a day, we broke camp and headed north to Tennessee. The weather had once again improved and it was in the 70's. However the weather in Tennessee promised to be cold and rain with 45 mph winds the following day. That was reason enough for us to want to get the trip over a day ahead of our planned schedule. Upon the start of our exodus from Ga. I noticed the trailer was heavy and the truck strained as we hit the inclines of the mountains. I had driven this way many times but never had I felt the weight as much as I was feeling it on this trip. Climbing the mountain at 35 mph and being passed by the big rigs made me ponder how we could have loaded our wagon again so heavy on our second attempt. It was then that I felt the surge or the wave. Back during my days of long haul trucking, hauling chemicals in an open bore tanker, I had felt that rolling back and forth many a mile. I started to laugh and Kathie asked what was so funny. During the cold nights, freezing low temperatures. I had disconnected our water supply and filled our fresh water tank with 92 gallons of water. Water weighs about 10 pounds a gallon. We had used some of that 92 gallons and it was rolling forward on downhill and rolling backwards on uphill. Once I got to the top of the mountain, finding room to pull off, I emptied the holding tank. Since it was fresh water and not polluted with anything else it was ok to drain it out on the ground. The rest of the drive was pleasant and we enjoyed the warmth of the 75 degree day. No more big trucks passed us on the inclines, and the mountains were of little or no issue.
We arrived before dark at Warriors Path State Park in Kingsport/Colonial Heights Tn. We chose a great campsite over looking the lake and set up camp. State Parks don't have everything but they are great places to stay. Water, electric and dump station for $9.00 a day. (We enjoy a discount, golden access pass) If your disabled military, or over the age of 65 you may qualify for discounts. I may not like being over the age of 65 but I do like all those little perks offered along the way. Especially that beautiful young wife of mine :) Our stay here at Warriors is planned for 10 days.
Then to South Carolina for about 30 days. Things could change, as we well know. The weather here has been up and down, rain and colder for the next couple of days. We are not planning to venture out, staying warm and dry. We sure don't want the crud again. That was some nasty stuff and only the passing of time will cure it.
I'm sure that you're all reading with a desire to know what the Gnomes have chosen for the new name of the Vaca House. (Name the Vaca House Contest).

The decision wasn't an easy one. There were many entries and the names suggested were all great. Sadly we could only adopt one. The final decision and the name chosen just seemed to fill all the requirements. We wanted something that would be unique and say something about our life style and our travels. A lot of the entries filled part of the demand but not all. The name that was chosen was..........................
"Seymour." It can be spelled several different ways, still with the same meaning. It can be the same in several different languages. The name "Seymore, Seemore, Seamore, Seymour, Seemour" just has a natural fit. As suggested by the author of the name. We will be traveling more, seeing more and doing more. The Vaca House is now officially the Seymour House.
We want to thank all of you who took time to offer a name for the contest. As promised the prize of $50.00 will go out in tomorrows mail. Congrads to Heather B. for her entry, winning the prize. If you didn't win don't be discouraged. There will be many such opportunities offered throughout the coming summer season. As we travel there will be contests offered with prize money. You could be the winner of our next contest. That contest and prize amount to be announced soon.

Watch for it in an upcoming blog. The time limit will be more than adequate and the prize is cash, rules are simple. One entry per e-mail address. If you have multiple family members living in your household and each having their separate e-mail address they are qualified to place an entry. Age, gender, religion or political affiliation is not a restriction.
We have slowed our pace for a few days and are relaxing as we continue to plan our escape towards Alaska. That trip should get under way shortly after Easter. We are still looking at different routes. It will be no less than 4200 miles each way. We are thinking of going up one way and coming back another. That will afford us ample time to see and explore many different states along our chosen routes. We will keep you posted regarding our departure and routes. Until our next blog we wish you a blessed day and a pleasant tomorrow.
As we travel the endless roads that are always leading us somewhere new and exciting, modern day nomads with no plans except to keep moving.
Dutch & Kathie
Have fun and safe travels. And remember to drain the tank before departing. Hope y'all get this way.
ReplyDeleteGood to hear of your travels. Sorry you both were sick. I too had that nasty stuff for a month. Happy Trails To You.