We took time to close the "Rename the Vaca House" contest and then announce the winning entry. All that was working up to the final reveal. What wasn't leaked by the Gnomes was the reason for the contest, the importance of the name choice. I have always been a big fan of naming items or things in my life. Those of you who know me well know this to be true. Names are acronyms that spell out the whole meaning of the name. Such as the name chosen, "Seymour" That is an acronym meaning...... Wait, you tell me! Another contest. The best description of words or group of words, combined to spell out "Seymour." Let me give you an example. When I turned 60 I bought myself a new Harley and named it MYRA. Everyone thought me crazy to buy a new bike at that age. The name MYRA was the acronym, first letter of each word in the phrase. My Youthful Radical Attitude, thus MYRA. The name Seymour is new and so is the item or thing it's attached too. Once a item or thing has been named you can never change it to something else. Let me explain further and bring you up to date. The Vaca House will always be the Vaca House. Seymour was chosen for the new house in our lives, the full time living RV house.
When we decided to go full time RVing we also decided to become Nomads, moving about as the urge struck us. Still living in comfort and style which we had been accustomed to. Homeless chic, the best way to define it laughing out loud. That plan was to trade up and improve our living standards. The new to us is a 2014 Bay Hill 40ft fiver. It's by far the best that we have seen and it's built for full time living. Once the name was revealed we knew it would have to be very special to live up to our demands. Now that we have the new travel home and it's new name. We will sponsor a new contest.
The new 40' Seymour House

The prize will be $100.00 for the best phrase or group of words that defines the meaning of Seymour. Another example to better help you understand is "MADD." (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers) Have fun with Seymour, send me your best phrase or group of works that spell out Seymour. The acronym is the short version of the full meaning. Hope I haven't confused you. Acronym by definition means....a word formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a set phrase or series of words and pronounced as a separate word. Example Women's Army Corp (WAC) or My Youthful Radical Attitude (MYRA).
The rules of our contest are simple. Anyone with an e-mail can enter. One entry per e-mail. Tell all your friends, let them in on the fun. Entry must be sent to Dutcheyl@aol.com . In the subject write Acronym. Winner will be announced on the Http://whygodutch.blogspot.com blog. The contest opens on April the 1st 2014 and closes on June the 1st, 2014. That gives you 2 months to think up and enter your best choice. The winner will be announced after June the 1st, on the first blog after that date. To give everyone a jump on the contest, this blog is being posted early :)
We will be in the process of making our way from Tennessee to Alaska during that time. Updates on the blog all along the way. You won't want to miss any of it as you will be missing a lot if you do. Anyone who has previously been to Alaska and would like to share their experiences or even make suggestions as to great places to see, shop or eat along the way is encouraged to drop us a line and share any or all. We are always open to new and exciting places and adventures. You should send your comments and suggestions to Dutcheyl@aol.com. If you have a Google e-mail account you can add your comments to the story on the blog. You must have a Google account in order to leave messages on the blog, or just send to my AOL e-mail.
Our stay in Tennessee has been to visit family, get current on medical and dental and lay low until it was time for our big move. It has been a busy time trying to get to see everyone and get our own needs taken care of. We also had other life events taking place at the same time. It was mostly time needed to get all our travel plans and needs in order. There are always those last minute items and things to do that you never thought of, until the last minute that is. After thirty days of changes and rethinking it all, hopes are we have it all ready to go. Never say never as there is always those things that pop up last minute.
Part of our plan was to chose a smaller travel trailer for our Alaska trip. We decided on a 2014 Flagstaff Micro Lite 25 KS Model. It's 28' long and has everything we will need to travel and live comfortably. We also needed to sell our second car and acquire some other items that would aid in our travels and make us more self sufficient. I think we have all that in motion and we are ready to start the trip.

2014 Flagstaff Micro Lite 25KS

The Micro Lite 25KS will be our flagship as we travel from Tennessee to Alaska, lots of stops and other destinations along the way. We will live in it for the five plus months we are on the roads, traveling endless miles and visiting more places than we can name at this point. Travel with us and keep up with the latest update on the http://whygodutch.blogspot.com.
No one should have to ask, why go Dutch? I'm sure that you would go if you could. Add it to your bucket list. You just never know when the urge to do something wild and wacky will strike you :)
Good luck to each of you on the contest. You have a couple of months, plenty of time to come up with something unusual and unique.
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